This is not particularly Jewish, but it is related to the way Sweden, my home country, discusses "foreigners" in the media. The Swedish paper of record Dagens Nyheter (the article is in Swedish, so if you are an English-speaker you'll just have to trust my word on this) runs a small item saying that employer discrimination against immigrants (and children of immigrants) is not a big problem in the Swedish jobmarket. Why not, you ask? Well, the article will tell you because only one out of four employers discriminate against those with foreign backgrounds. Well then, if only 25 percent of employers are xenophobic I guess it's not much of a problem...
In comparison another Swedish paper of record Svenska Dagbladet worried this week that only nine out of ten applicants were accepted to university in Sweden this year. What? 10 percent weren't accepted. Oh the horror!
So there you have it, I'm just going to juxtapose these two articles and leave it at that.